Birth and Death Certificates
Vital Statistics Division
Email: vitals@hancockpublichealth.com
Phone: (419) 424-7106
Walk-In Service:
9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday
8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., ​Tuesday – Friday
Certified copies of birth and death certificates are $30.00 per copy, cash or check. Credit/Debit cards accepted with additional processing fees. Records are on file from 1909 to the present.
Hancock Public Health can issue birth certificates for anyone born in the State of Ohio.
Death certificates can be issued for deaths that occurred within Hancock County, including the city of Findlay. For deaths that occurred at the Fostoria Community Hospital in Fostoria or within the Fostoria city limits, please contact Seneca County Health Department at 419-447-3691. Please Note: As of October 15, 2015, per ORC 3705.23(5): For the first five years after a decedent’s death, a decedent’s social security number shall not be included on a certified copy of the decedent’s death certificate unless that information is specifically requested to be on the certified copy. Relationship restrictions apply and acceptable proof is required, including photo I.D. Please see the Death Certificate Request Form.
Mail requests: Mail completed and signed Birth or Death Certificate Request Form and a check or money order (required for out-of-state requests) made payable to Hancock Public Health for $30.00 for each certified copy. Please include return address and a daytime phone number.
Online requests accepted. Vital Chek Network, Inc. processes online requests for birth and death certificates for Hancock Public Health. Go to www.vitalchek.com and provide the requested information. Please select FINDLAY as the EVENT CITY and HANCOCK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT as the PROCESSING AGENCY. All major credit cards are accepted. Vital Chek charges a service fee of $7 to use this service. Shipping charges vary depending on which option is chosen (Regular USPS return mail is free). The cost of each birth or death certificate is $30.
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