Children With Medical Handicaps Program
How is a child enrolled in the CMH program?
The child’s CMH-approved doctor sends a Medical Application Form to CMH. Public health nurses can start the application process by referring families to CMH-approved doctors.
The parent or legal guardian (or client, if 18 years of age or older) must sign the release of information and consent on the application form before CMH can act on the application.
Some of the eligible conditions are:
Hearing loss
Cerebral palsy
Juvenile arthritis
Chronic lung disease
Metabolic disorder
Cleft lip/palate
Congenital heart disease
Severe vision disorders
Cystic fibrosis
Sickle cell disease
Spina bifida
General CMH Information Brochure
Public Health Nurse Services brochure
Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities
Family Handbook for Children with Special Needs
Informational Sheets
HIPAA-notice of privacy practices
Medicaid Guidelines
Steps to Meet Your Cost Share
What are special health care needs?
Special health care needs may be caused by a condition a child is born with or develops later in life.
How can CMH help?
CMH has 3 programs to help children with special health care needs:
• Diagnostic Program
• Treatment Program
• Service Coordination
All services must be given by CMH-approved providers.
What children and conditions are eligible for CMH?
Those who are:
Age 0-21
Permanent residents of Ohio
Under the care of a CMH-approved doctor and who have or may have a chronic medical condition
There is no cost to participate in the CMH program.
Financial eligibility is required for the
Treatment Program only.