Water Program
Private water systems are regulated by the Ohio Department of Health under Sections 3701.344 to 3701.347 of the Ohio Revised Code and Chapter 3701-28 of the Ohio Administrative Code. These rules can be found here.
Private Water Systems are potable water wells, ponds, springs, cisterns, and hauled water storage tanks, that provide drinking water to fewer than 25 people, less than sixty days out of the year, and have less than 15 service connections. These would include single water supplies that serve homes, small businesses, small churches, small mobile home parks, or communities with fewer than 25 residents.
Private water sampling is available thru the Health Department for a fee of $79.00 (subject to change). Upon receipt of a request for a water sample and the fee, the Health Department will schedule an appointment to come to the site to collect the sample. The sample will then be forwarded to the lab for testing.