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2023-2025 Community Health Improvement Plan

Progress Dashboard

2021 Community Health Assessment

Thank you for your interest in the 2021 Hancock County Community Health Assessment (CHA). A community’s quality of life is measured in many ways. Every measure includes its health status and having a healthier population leads to a higher quality of life for all. This assessment provides important details about the health of our community as it is:

* Local: it describes Hancock County

* Comprehensive: it assesses birth throughout adulthood

* Thorough: it describes personal health habits, risky behaviors, physical, mental and social health

* Actionable: the data can be used to guide programming and funding

* Measurable: the data can be compared to previous assessments and measured again in the future to evaluate progress and success.

2021 Community Health Assessment

2018 Community Health Assessment

2015 Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment FAQ

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